Launch of the NETLAS Doctoral School

On 20/02/2020, the Applied Optics Group, School of Physical Sciences, has hosted the kick-off meeting of the Marie Curie Doctoral School – Innovative Training Network (ITN), Next generation of tunable lasers for optical coherence tomography (NETLAS).
The kick-off meeting was a unique event with interdisciplinary flavor, straddling research and PG education, and, importantly, serving the fields of medical engineering first and foremost.
As highlighted by Professor Philippe de Wilde, Deputy Vice-chancellor for Research and Innovation, who opened the meeting, coordinating an ITN, affirms Kent as a leading place to stimulate high quality research and administer successful European collaborative research on optical coherence tomography (OCT) for medical imaging and non destructive testing.
On this occasion we hosted several world leading scientists and entrepreneurs from Europe, who have been awarded prestigious prizes in the past. 3 of the academic involved received ERC Ad grants. 4 industrial partners in the ITN received industrial awards, such as the coveted PRISM Award.
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