RA2: Syed Ameer Hamza Zaidi

Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Research Project: Phase noise in OCT A-scans using MEMS VCSELs

Academic Background:
Master’s in Optical Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea 2021-2023.
Master’s Thesis: “High-resolution Optical Coherence Tomography System using a Multi-level Diffractive Lens“. Bachelor’s Degree: Electronics Engineering, Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan, 2015-2019.

Master Thesis summary: A high-resolution optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging with a multilevel diffractive lens (MDL). A broadband swept laser source with a center wavelength of 1000 nm is developed by employing two semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) in a bidirectional configuration with a polygon scanner and grating-based filter, broadband wavelength-swept source provides a high axial resolution, whereas the grating with a larger number of grooves leads to a narrow wavelength filtering which improves the imaging depth. The lateral resolution of the system is enhanced by using an MDL lens. OCT imaging of phantom and onion samples is performed to confirm the system’s performance.

Professional Experience:
After the master, Syed worked for one year in the industry at VALMAX Technology Corporation and research institute in South Korea, February 2023- December 2023.