The Research Center for Materials Characterization and Non-Destructive Testing, RECENDT GmbH – is internationally well-recognized institution and part of the Upper Austrian Research (UAR) Innovation Network. RECENDT has operated very successfully within the Austrian and international markets since 2009.
Our range of services incorporates the whole R&D process chain and stretches from application-oriented fundamental research to the development of state-of-the-art technology for industrial applications. RECENDT covers two main areas with focus on optical and acoustic non-destructive testing, which comprehends technologies as OCT/low coherent imaging, THz technology, spectroscopy, as well as photoacoustics, laser ultrasound sensing and acoustics modelling.
The mission of RECENDT is to promote the transfer of technology from science to industry. In this context RECENDT is partner in the European ITN NETLAS research project. We will offer the facility for training and internship of ITN students, in particular for getting knowledge in OCT-based non-destructive testing within technical application fields. Dr. Bettina Heise, as head of OCT technology group, will promote and maintain the close cooperation and contact between the NETLAS project partners.
- ‘Dual-band infrared optical coherence tomography using a single supercontinuum source‘, I Zorin, P Gattinger, M Brandstetter, B Heise, Optics Express 28 (6), 7858-7874,
- ‘Multimodal mid-infrared optical coherence tomography and spectroscopy for non-destructive testing and art diagnosis’, I Zorin, J Kilgus, R Su, B Lendl, M Brandstetter, B Heise, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VII 11058, 110580N, 10.1117/12.2528279
- ‘Mid-infrared Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography with a pyroelectric linear array‘, I Zorin, R Su, A Prylepa, J Kilgus, M Brandstetter, B Heise, Optics express 26 (25), 33428-33439,
- ‘Full-field optical coherence tomography in a balanced detection mode‘, B Buchroithner, A Prylepa, PJ Wagner, SE Schausberger, D Stifter, et al., Applied Optics 57 (29), 8705-8710,
- ‘(Full field) optical coherence tomography and applications‘, B Buchroithner, G Hannesschläger, E Leiss-Holzinger, A Prylepa, B Heise, SPIE 105910G (2018), 2nd Canterbury Conference on OCT with Emphasis on Broadband Optical Sources 2017,