Host: University of Kent, Applied Optics Group (AOG)
Secondments: Superlum Diodes, CenterVue
PhD Project: Akinetic dispersive cavity mode locked laser (ADCML) tunable laser, with dual mode locking

Research interests: Next generation of tunable lasers for optical coherence tomography
Akinetic dispersive cavity mode locked (ADCML) tunable laser, with dual resonance
This direction of research aims to evaluate the principle of dual resonance mode-locking in a
dispersive cavity patented by the UNIKENT team, at several wavelengths. Rene has started
with a laser at 1550 nm, initially with dispersion crated by SMF28. Later, he has used a cFBG.
As an improvement of previous research in KENT, he has studied induction of mode locking
not by modulating the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), but using a Mach-Zehnder
integrated modulator. This has shown improved stability in operation and better linewidth than
using the SOA.
Completed workshops, Seminars, and Conferences:
- International Day of light conference – Tampere University, Finland, OCT & photonics, Online Poster presentation “Towards an 800 nm FDML Laser”, 20-21/05/2021, poster presentation “Akinetic swept source based on dispersion mode-locking tuning
- Photonics West – San Francisco, Conference paper + Oral presentation “Ultra-high-accuracy chromatic dispersion measurement in optical fibers“, 24-26/01/2022
- 2nd NETLAS event: Winter School – DTU Copenhagen, Denmark, 01-04/03/2022, Title oral presentation “Dual resonance sweeping mechanism in laser swept sources for OCT”
- 25th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO), 05 – 09 Sep 2022, Dresden University of Technology – Germany, Oral presentation “An approximative fibre laser cavity dispersion assessment technique using mode-locked wavelength tuning”
- 3rd NETLAS event Autumn School – TUD Darmstadt, Germany, Title oral presentation “Dual resonance wavelength tunable laser – an akinetic FDMLlike swept source“, 04-07/10/2022
- Photonics West – San Francisco, 8 January – 2 February 2023, Conference presentation
- 23/03/2023 Visit to the Institute of Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Hospital, and the Royal Free Hospital, London, On eye instrumentation for diagnostic and handling patients to be investigated by eye imaging instruments
- ECBO Biomedical Optics 2023, 25-29/06/2023, Munich, Germany, oral presentation
- NETLAS Conference in conjunction with Markus Pessa International Summer School “New Frontiers in Optical Technologies”, Title oral presentation “ Dispersion tuned mode-locked lasers, mathematical modelling and dual resonance sweeping regime” August 7 – 11, 2023, Tampere, Finland
- Rene Riha, Adrian Bradu, and Adrian Podoleanu, “Dual resonance akinetic dispersive cavity swept source at 900 kHz using a cFBG and an intensity modulator”, Optics Letters Vol. 47, Issue 16,pp. 4032-4035(2022),
- Rene Riha, Adrian Bradu, Adrian Gh. Podoleanu, “A dual resonance sweeping regime in dispersion tuned akinetic swept source at 1550 nm,” Proc. SPIE 12367, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVII, 1236708 (8 March 2023);
- R. Riha, A. Martinez Jimenez, G. Venugopal, M. Klufts, R. Huber and A. Podoleanu, “Dispersion-Tuned Mode-Locked Laser for Swept Source OCT At 850 Nm Using a cFBG and the Pulse Modulation Technique,” in IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol 16, Issue 4, Aug 2024 10.1109/JPHOT.2024.3417829
September 2018 – July 2020: Master’s degree in Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Rebublic
September 2015 – June 2018: Bachelor’s degree in Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Internships: February – July 2019: Erasmus internship in AOG, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom. Project on speckle reduction in OCT.