PhD5: Masoud Payandeh

 Host: Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 

Secondments: Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDA) and Innolume 

PhD Project: Wideband MEMS VCSEL

MEMS VCSELs are semiconductor-based light sources, have a very small footprint owing to the vertical cavity design. Generally, very highly reflective DBR mirrors along with III-V active material are used to define the cavity. Actuation of one of the mirrors contributes to changing the length of optical cavity and thus continuously tuning the emitting wavelength. The continuous sweep of wavelength makes them promising for low cost OCT applications. In the current project, we will mainly investigate the high-speed wideband MEMS VCSELs for SS-OCT.

Completed workshops, Seminars, and Conferences:

  • 1st NETLAS Online Event, 01/07/2021    
  • 2nd NETLAS Event, Winter School, DTU, Denmark, 1-4th March 2022
  • 3rd NETLAS Event, Autumn School, Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDA), Germany4-7th October 2022
  • Danish Optics and Photonics Congress , Aarhus University, Denmark, 29th November 2022-1st December 2022      
  • Siegman Summer School on Lasers, Dublin City University, Ireland, 18-24th June 2023       
  • 4th NETLAS Event, NETLAS Conference in conjunction with Markus Pessa International Summer School “New Frontiers in Optical Technologies”, Tampere, Finland, August 7 – 11, 2023 
  • Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices Conference and VCSEL-Day Conference, Polytechnic University of Turin, 18-22nd September 2023       
  • 49th international conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Berlin Germany, 25-28 September 2023       


Previous education:

*BSc in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Shiraz University, Iran

**MSc in Micro and Nano-electronic Devices, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.